For holders of European and biometric passports.
Any person who is 18 years old and has a valid biometric or European passport.
Yes, if the passport is still valid.
Each offer has different conditions. For most offers, the minimum age for employment is 18 years old, and the maximum is 50 years old, but there are exceptions.
Firstly, a passport is necessary, either biometric or European, depending on the country where you are going to work. In addition to this, we undertake the preparation of documents such as medical insurance and the mediation contract.
Transportation is organized by us. We announce the date and time when you will depart by bus.
Here you sign the mediation contract, by which you agree to be employed for the chosen offer by you. The employment contract is signed when you arrive in the country of the offer.
Salaries are paid via card, which you receive upon employment.
Accommodation is provided and organized in advance. You will either live in an apartment building or in a ground house near the workplace.